Former Green Party of Canada Leader, gay activist, opera guy and life-long Toronto resident Chris Lea created MASTER 6ix to help you take a self-guided tour around one of the world’s most interesting and productive regions, showing you what’s out there and where it's at, mostly within about 200 km (120 miles) of downtown Toronto. This area includes many smaller cities, Hamilton, London, the pleasures of Muskoka, the Kawarthas, the vineyards of Prince Edward County and Niagara, spectacular waterfalls, natural places, even Buffalo, New York. In this region you can find buildings made in most every known architectural style, with many pieces created by renowned architects. MASTER 6ix tells you a bit about the various architectural styles that you can see, that might help you read some of the stories that buildings can tell, picks out the best examples to check out, with pictures and other resources to help you plan your visit.
But that’s not all. MASTER 6ix includes more than 60 categories of places that you might find interesting, including First Nations, Black, Asian, Royal, Military and Queer sites, many wonderful natural and historical places, places you might want to walk around, a huge selection of sculpted Critters that you can show your kid. In all, about 850 unique locations are documented. MASTER 6ix also includes some of the sources that people in the design trade use, should you be looking for a nicer selection of products to choose from than at your local big box retailer. MASTER 6ix will tell you a bit about some of the people who created the built environment and public artworks here, and it shows you some of the things they created in other places, so you can see what they can (could) do. Whether you are a resident, a tourist or student of architecture, Toronto and the hinterland around it is a storybook of tales, some tall, some sad, lots of them good. There is a lot of great stuff. Come explore.
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